Pastor’s Notes

May 2024

Hi Everyone,

April was busy, as expected, and now we have entered into the month of May. It, too, is going to be full of special services and events, including the PW breakfast (May 2nd); Mother’s Day (May 12th); graduation in both Gothenburg and Cozad (Mother’s Day weekend – congratulations, grads!); Pentecost (May 19th – be sure to wear red); and Memorial Day (May 27th – be safe).

In terms of worship, our “Peter, Part 2” sermon series started this past Sunday, and it will continue through the end of June. The focus will be on his involvements in the establishment of the early church, and we will look at passages from the books of John, Acts, and I Peter. For later in the summer and fall, I am considering a short series on the book of Revelation, perhaps a look at some of the prophets, and maybe something a little lighter. How about you? What would you like to explore in worship? My ideas are still in the early stages and I welcome your suggestions.

Oh, and speaking of something lighter, on Easter Sunday, I asked the congregation if they knew what Jesus said when he came out of the tomb. Several members shouted “tada!” which is exactly the response I was looking for, and it was a fun way to begin our celebration of Christ’s resurrection. I also distributed little plastic figures of Jesus (in his “tada” stance, of course!) and told folks it was because, “Everybody needs a little Jesus in their life.” I encouraged them to place it where they would see it often as a reminder that Jesus is always with them.

As a result, two fun things have happened. One is that I have had to place, not one, not two, but three additional orders because so many people have asked for some of the figures to share with others themselves! (And you say you’re not comfortable with evangelizing!) The other thing is that some of you have sent me pictures of where you have placed your little Jesus. A few of those are included with this reflection, and if you have one of your own that you’d like to share, please send it along. I would love to see where Jesus is in your life, too.

As we fully enter into spring and begin to transition to our summer routines, I pray that your planting and planning are going well. Have a great month, keep smiling, and stay focused on Jesus.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Jill